The Board of the Harris-Lass Museum invites you to join us in expressing our gratitude to Bob Byrd for his 19 years of service, the last 11 as President (and Man of All Trades) of the Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara.
He will be missed by all!
Please come and celebrate Bob's years of contributing to our community with a Western Themed BBQ!
Saturday, June 22, 2019 2:00 pm, Harris-Lass Garden (1889 Market Street)
Gathering followed by BBQ catered by Andy's Award Winning BBQ
(Beef, Spareribs, Chicken, Sausage; Garlic Bread; BBQ Beans, Potato Salad,
Cole Slaw; Soft Drinks; Dessert)
$25.00 per person, includes BBQ and gift for Bob
Western Attire Encouraged!
Please return this form and your check, made out to HPSSC, by June 12 (Seating is Limited) to:
Lou Faria, P.O. Box 331, Santa Clara, CA 95052
Questions: Call Lou Faria at 408 406 8891 or Email at
Number Attending________@ $25.00 per person Amount Enclosed____________________